Art Innovation is a digital Art Gallery in Milan, New York, Miami Beach, Hong Kong, Seoul and Dubai promotes the culture of Digital Art on Maxi LED-Walls worldwide. By exhibiting digital artists in major cities, Art innovation aims to expand the culture o

  • New York: Light Visions

    New York: Light Visions

    Sept 2 - 8 | Live now
  • New York: Light Visions

    New York: Light Visions

    Sept 2 - 8 | Live now
  • New York: Light Visions

    New York: Light Visions

    Sept 2 - 8 | Live now
  • New York: Light Visions

    New York: Light Visions

    Sept 2 - 8 | Live now
  • New York: Light Visions

    New York: Light Visions

    Sept 2 - 8
  • Miami Beach: Apply now

    Miami Beach: Apply now

  • Hong Kong

    Hong Kong

  • Seoul


  • Milan


  • New York: The Pixels Show