
  • Art Innovation sees art as a powerful vehicle for branding.

    Brands can be associated with engaging and innovative artistic experiences that not only enhance the brand, but also link it to positive emotions and deep cultural values.
    This combination of art and marketing creates an emotional and memorable connection with the audience.
  • Mission

    The mission is to offer brands the opportunity to create memorable experiences that go beyond traditional advertising. Through integration with high-level artistic events, brands can be part of unique cultural moments that resonate with consumers on an emotional level.

    Art Innovation's strategy is based on an integrated approach that combines art and marketing to create high-impact events with international visibility. Using the largest and most innovative LED billboard technologies, the company transforms art exhibitions into immersive and engaging experiences designed to capture the attention of a wide and diverse audience.

    Art Innovation's mission is also to offer brands integrated marketing solutions that combine art with digital communication strategies. This includes the creation of powerful visual content, ready for sharing on social media, and the opportunity to engage audiences through interactive and viral platforms.

  • Benefits




    • Global Visibility: Brands gain exposure on an international scale through artistic events hosted in strategic locations and broadcast on LED billboards in high-traffic areas. 
    • Memorable Brand Experiences: Participating in innovative art exhibitions allows brands to create unique and engaging experiences that strengthen the emotional connection with audiences. 
    • Positioning as Innovators: By collaborating with Art Innovation, brands combine cutting-edge technologies and creative approaches, distinguishing themselves as leaders in the field of innovation. 
    • Social Media Engagement: Artistic events generate powerful, viral visual content, increasing interaction and sharing on social media, further extending brand visibility. 
    • Alignment with Cultural and Social Values: Brands can promote their social responsibility and sustainability by associating with events that reflect these values, thus improving their reputation and attractiveness. 
    • Targeting a Diverse Audience: Art Innovation events attract a large and diverse audience, offering brands the opportunity to reach new market segments.




    • Marketing and Sponsorship Expenses Deductions: Expenses incurred in participating in artistic events, sponsoring exhibitions or integrating your brand into cultural initiatives can be considered as marketing and advertising expenses, which are tax deductible in many countries.
    • Cultural Investment Incentives: In some countries, companies that invest in cultural or artistic projects may benefit from specific tax benefits, such as tax credits or higher deductions, as such investments are encouraged by government policies.
    •  Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Tax Benefits: If the artistic initiative is part of a corporate social responsibility program, the brand may obtain additional tax benefits, such as the deduction of expenses incurred for projects that promote culture, sustainability or social welfare.
    • Accelerated Depreciation for Technology Investments: If the brand directly invests in technology or infrastructure used in Art Innovation events, it may be possible to apply accelerated depreciation regimes for these investments, thus reducing the income tax liability.
  • Hong Kong | The Sound of Pixel

    Over 70 by 20 meters LED screen