Studio Size

Studio Size is based in Zagreb, Croatia, and represents a dedicated collective of design professionals who embarked on a transformative journey nearly a decade ago. Leaving behind their roles in large corporations, they chose to immerse themselves fully in the creative process, driven by a passion to create work that not only stands the test of time but also continues to influence and inspire future generations.


Their approach is rooted in a commitment to perpetual learning and exploration. The studio views itself as a continuous student of creativity, always seeking to delve deeper into the realms of artistic innovation and expression. This mindset fuels their quest to discover new skills and refine their craft, ensuring that their work remains fresh and relevant.


Embracing the philosophy of lifelong learning, the studio’s members dedicate themselves to exploring new creative horizons and pushing the boundaries of design. Their work is a reflection of their love for the creative process and their enthusiasm for living a life rich with artistic exploration. By maintaining this dedication, they strive to produce designs that not only captivate and engage but also contribute meaningfully to the ever-evolving landscape of art and design.


Through their journey from corporate life to creative pioneers, the studio has established itself as a beacon of inspiration, continuously evolving and adapting while staying true to their core values of curiosity, innovation, and artistic passion.