Floating Pixels: Miami Beach

1 - 3 December 2022

Floating Pixels will bring the works of 60 digital artists to the on the maxi
Billboard floating on the ocean. They include the pioneers of crypto art such
as Beeple, Sam Spratt, Vexx, Afonso Caravaggio, Andrés Reisinger, Mad
Dog Jones, Maxim Zhestkov, Deekay, Ryan Talbot, Zhuk, Mattia Cuttini,
Mbsjq and Dangiuz. They are drawn from more than 40 countries, including
Italy, the United States, Egypt, Japan, South Africa, Thailand, Azerbaijan,
Switzerland, Turkey, the United Kingdom, Brazil, France, the Netherlands and
The Floating Pixels exhibition will feature the three most prominent collectors
in the Crypto Art industry: 33Nft, The Medici Collection, and Poseidon DAO.
This collaboration was created to further value artists and to make digital art
collecting increasingly sustainable.
The billboard, higher than 6 metres and wider than 20 metres, will sail on
the ocean and travel the route from Miami Beach to Downtown and allow digital
art to float and fill the atmosphere with energy.